Therapeutic massage is different from cosmetic massage. Here, Therapeutic Massage focuses on massage techniques, using medical knowledge in combination with massage and acupuncture to stimulate nerves, restore energy and help you reduce aches and pains in the body.
Massage therapy has many options for you, depending on your need to relieve stress or relieve pain in certain locations. Such as shampooing nourishing hair for the neck, shoulder, neck, and shoulder pain regularly, foot massage if you often stand and walk. Body massage will give you a feeling of relaxation of the whole body, or Thai massage focuses on acupressure methods to focus on reducing constant aches and pains.
For those who are having treatment for the first time, there will usually be more pain. It is a normal feeling because your body is not used to the effects of massage techniques. However, those aches and pains do not last too long, but will quickly recover as well as make you more comfortable.
And the most attractive thing that cannot be ignored is when it comes to the benefits of therapeutic massage.
+ Feeling more comfortable after each treatment. Massage therapy has a great impact on the nervous system in the entire human body. Therefore, when you are stressed, it will also greatly affect the nervous system. Therefore, after each treatment session at the Spa, you will feel more relaxed and lighter than before the treatment.
+ Reduce fatigue, aches and pains caused by diseases or stress are also reduced. This is the effect that you most easily feel at each treatment.
+ Giúp bạn hít thở dễ dàng hơn. Sau đại dịch COVID, không ít người gặp vấn đề với hô hấp như thở nông hơn, khó hít thở đều,…Và massage trị liệu có thể giúp bạn giải quyết được vấn đề này. Bởi vì các thao tác của trị liệu sẽ giúp bạn điều hòa hơi thở, bên cạnh đó còn tích cực giúp bạn “tống khứ” những hơi thở nặng nề trong cơ thể. Kết thúc buổi trị liệu, bạn sẽ cảm thấy thoải mái ở lồng ngực và cảm giác không khí trong lành hơn rất nhiều đấy!
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